El Consejo de Asuntos Académicos para el Mundo Hispano (AACHSP) se reúne semanalmente con fines de planificación académica y rendición de cuentas, desarrollo y despliegue del plan de estudios y cursos (en conjunto con el Decano de Educación en Línea), políticas y prioridades académicas, acuerdos de articulación, acreditaciones nacionales y especializadas, planificación a largo plazo y desarrollo de estrategias académicas, desarrollo de recursos bibliotecarios digitales (en conjunto con el Decano de Servicios Bibliotecarios) y supervisión del proceso de contratación de profesores (en conjunto con el Director de Recursos Humanos).

The Academic Chairs Forum provides a place for the meeting of Department from across the university. The purpose of the forum is 1) to provide a venue for chairs and heads of departments across campus to communicate and collaborate; 2) to identify and discuss professional matters of common interest to academic unit coordinators and collaborate in developing strategies to address challenges; 3) to solicit information from external sources on common items of interest.

The Academic Welcome Center provides an opportunity for students, parents,partners and others to meet with one of the Deans in a face-to-face live streaming video conference to answer questions and provide guidance in the academic journey at Missional University.

The Executive Administrative Assistant in the Office of the Provost works with the Provost in administrative functions in academic Affairs

The Academic Affairs Council consists of the Provost, the Dean of Online Education, the Dean of Study Beyond Experiences, the Dean of Continuing Education, and the Academic Deans of each college or school. During the pre-launch phase they have been meeting weekly working on creating curriculum, guiding faculty in course proposal development, developing a faculty handbook, overseeing the work of the faculty search committees, and facilitating faculty course development alongside the Office of Online Education. The AAC is led by the Provost.