The Office of Online Education facilitates the design, development, and delivery of Missional University's online courses and programs by providing tools, training, and resources for students and faculty. We work closely with faculty and student service departments across Missional University to ensure that online education delivers the highest quality of higher education at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the most efficient and effective way using current technology tools.

Shared governance is a collegial ethos and inclusive process that allows all constituencies of our community to participate meaningfully in the University’s strategic and operational decisions. The operant assumption of shared governance is that each of these constituencies—faculty, administration, staff, students, trustees and alumni—bring unique and valuable perspectives to the deliberative decision process. Shared governance signals our institutional commitment to create and follow policies and procedures that facilitate inclusive decision-making. Successful shared governance ensures that University constituencies have voice in, and influence on, the decisions that affect them.  Missional University Faculty Handbook

We want to welcome you to the world's ONLY School of Justice Mission!

Here you will learn from academic practitioners how you can impact communities in a variety of ways. At the welcome center, you can speak face-to-face with our Dean, faculty or staff. Schedule an appointment today by contacting the Dean.