The School of Professional Education coordinates the launch planning of diploma, certificate and certification programs. This team office enables appropriate leaders from across the university to work together in pre-launch planning.

Missional Events offers iMoot conferences - live, online internet and international conferences with round-the-clock presentations so that all time zones may participate. A Missional iMOOT is a gathering of Christian believers from across the globe that discusses, articulates, and engages followers of Jesus to consider ways to merge their faith, career, and service in the mission of God in the world.

Features of a Missional iMOOT

  • 100% online
  • Sessions every hour 24/7
  • Interactive with Q & A, Participants Forums, and interaction with Partner organizations
  • All sessions recorded with access after the event to facilitate engagement of every session

The School of Professional Education (SPE) develops online conferences; centers and institutes; diploma, certificate, and certification programs; and online lifelong learning opportunities in collaboration with the other Academic Deans, their Department Chairs and faculties. The school also serves the educational needs of partner organizations including faith-based mission entities, nonprofits, schools, churches, and church groups. 

Welcome to the Welcome Center of the School of Professional Education. We know that your passion has led you here - to extend your knowledge and expertise through an online conference; participation in a center or institutes; the completion of a diploma, certificate, or certification program; or participation in a lifelong learning opportunity at Missional University. We serve the educational needs of partner organizations including faith-based mission entities, nonprofits, schools, churches, and church groups -- and we look forward to serving your needs as well.