Office of Dean of School of Ecological Mission
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The faculty of the School of Ecological Mission are committed to the concept that God is at work not only in the lives and affairs of people across the globe, but he is also at work in environments and how peoples are impacted by their natural, social and built environments. Just as sin has corrupted the image of God within persons (Romans 1:18-32), so too sin corrupts social and environmental relationships. In fact, the Apostle Paul writes that "We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time" (Romans 8:22-24). Thus God is about his mission of reconciling people and the entire earth unto himself. Faculty with expertise in a wide range of disciplines work together to equip missional Christians to participate in the mission of God through global health, environmental mission, humanitarian aid, missional geoscience and sustainable agriculture.
- C-D-Level: Emeka Joshua Chukwuemeka